Professional Development Workshops
Mills, W. & Lowell, B.R. (2022, February 1-2). Elevating Student Sensemaking using OpenSciEd’s Key Instructional Elements: Chemical Reactions & Matter Unit. Two-day workshop to support Massachusetts teachers implementing OpenSciEd Chemical Reactions & Matter unit, Dover, MA.
Lo, A. & Lowell, B.R. (2021, January 25-26 & February 1-2). OpenSciEd Supporting Writing and Drawing for Sensemaking: Cells Unit Teacher Professional Learning. Four-day workshop to support Massachusetts teachers implementing OpenSciEd Cells unit, presented virtually.
Lo, A. & Lowell, B.R. (2020, December 9-10, 14-15, & 2021, January 12). OpenSciEd Supporting Writing and Drawing for Sensemaking: Cells Unit Facilitator Professional Learning. Five-day workshop to support OpenSciEd professional learning facilitators, presented virtually.
Lo, A. & Lowell, B.R. (2020, August). OpenSciEd Supporting Diverse Learners with UDL: Natural Hazards Unit Teacher Professional Learning. Four-day workshop to support Massachusetts teachers implementing OpenSciEd Natural Hazards unit, presented virtually.
Lo, A. & Lowell, B.R. (2020, June). OpenSciEd Supporting Diverse Learners with UDL: Natural Hazards Unit Facilitator Professional Learning. Four-day workshop to support OpenSciEd professional learning facilitators, presented virtually.
Novak, M. & Lowell, B.R. (2020, January). OpenSciEd Utilizing the Assessment System: Genetics Unit Teacher Professional Learning. Two-day workshop to support Massachusetts teachers implementing OpenSciEd Genetics unit, Waltham, MA.
Novak, M. & Lowell, B.R. (2019, December). OpenSciEd Utilizing the Assessment System: Genetics Unit Facilitator Professional Learning. Three-day workshop to support OpenSciEd professional learning facilitators, Austin, TX.
Cherbow, K., Lowell, B.R., McNeill, K.L., Lowenhaupt, R. (2019, April). Supporting instruction in the critiquing science practices: Arguing from evidence and evaluating information. Workshop presented at the annual conference of the National Science Teachers Association, St. Louis, MO.
Lowell, B.R., Benz, G. (2018, December). ChemEx2: Chemistry Experiments and Experiences for Learning. 3-hour short course presented at the annual meeting of the California Science Teachers Association, Pasadena, CA.
Lowell, B.R., Seebode, S., Benz, G. (2018, June). ChemEx2: Chemistry Experiences and Experiments for Learning. 5-day professional development course presented through Stanford Center to Support Excellence in Teaching, Stanford, CA.
Lowell, B.R., Cherbow, K. (2018, April). Instructional Leadership for Science Practices (ILSP): An introduction to the tools and resources. Workshop presented to the BaySci partnership at the Lawrence Hall of Science, Berkeley, CA.
Benz, G., Doyle, K., Lowell, B.R., Seebode, S. (2017, July). ChemEx2: Chemistry Experiences and Experiments for Learning. 8-day professional development course presented through Stanford Center to Support Excellence in Teaching, Stanford, CA.
Crawford, C., Lowell, B.R., Kwong, W. (2017, March). Introduction to the NGSS: Shifts for the Physical Science Classroom. Workshop presented to the Fremont Union High School District, Sunnyvale, CA.
Benz G., Lowell, B.R., Rotter, K., Seebode, S. (2016, July). ChemEx2: Chemistry Experiences and Experiments for Learning. 8-day professional development course presented through Stanford Center to Support Excellence in Teaching, Stanford, CA.