
My research focuses on how teachers learn to teach science as a process of figuring out the natural world. I have worked on projects focused on middle school science teachers, high school chemistry teachers, and K-8 instructional leaders. See below for a list of my research projects, research and practitioner publications I have written, and research presentations I have given.

You can also find me on Google Scholar and ORCiD.

Current Research Projects

OpenSciEd Equitable Instruction Initiative

The goal of the OpenSciEd Equitable Instruction Initiative at Boston College is to support the implementation of OpenSciEd across Massachusetts. This includes providing comprehensive professional learning for cohorts of schools implementing OpenSciEd as well as logistical and leadership support for implementation. As a postdoctoral research fellow with the initiative, I support collection and analysis of data around how teachers are learning from these supports and their impact on classroom teaching and learning.

Supporting Teacher Customizations of Curricular Materials

I am the postdoctoral fellow organizing data collection and analysis for the NSF-funded Customize project. The project aims to understand how teachers customize curricular materials to support equitable sensemaking in their classrooms.The project seeks to understand how teachers using OpenSciEd customize the materials and then create tools and supports for others who might be seeking to do similar customizations in service of supporting all students in engaging in the process of figuring out the natural world.

Past Research Projects

OpenSciEd Professional Learning

I am part of the professional learning team for the OpenSciEd middle school developers consortium. We design professional learning to support implementation of the OpenSciEd curriculum materials. As part of this work, we are closely following a small group of teachers to learn about their experiences learning about and implementing this new curriculum.

ChemEx2 Professional Learning

I led a group of three doctoral students and four teachers in designing and researching ChemEx², a professional development program for high school chemistry teachers. We investigated how chemistry teachers made sense of phenomenon-based investigations and worked to implement them in the classroom.

Instructional Leadership for Science Practices

The ILSP project focused on creating and distributing resources to support teachers and instructional leaders in implementing practice-based science instruction as well as professional development for K-8 principals in using these resources. I assisted in the creation and editing of the ILSP tools and analyzed the impacts of the professional development on principals’ understanding of the science practices in order to learn how to support principals in supporting strong science instruction in schools.

Research Publications

Lowell, B.R., Cherbow, K., & McNeill, K.L. (2022). Considering discussion types to support collective sensemaking during a storyline unit. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 59(2), 195-222.

Lowell, B.R., Cherbow, K., & McNeill, K.L. (2021). Re-design or re-label? How a commercial curriculum and its implementation oversimplify key features of the NGSS. Science Education, 105(1), 5-32.

Practitioner Publications

Lowenhaupt, R., McNeill, K.L., Katsh-Singer, R.; Lowell, B.R., & Cherbow, K. (2022). The instructional leader’s guide to implementing K-8 science practices. ASCD Press.
(Bookshop link)

Lowell, B.R. & McGowan, H. (2022). Using key features to analyze and modify curriculum for the NGSS. Science Scope, 45(3), 48-54.

Lowell, B.R. & McNeill, K.L. (2019). Keeping critical thinking afloat: Shifting from activity-based to phenomenon-based planning and instruction. Science Scope, 43(1), 64-69.

Research Presentations

Lowell, B.R. & McNeill., K.L. (2022, March 27-30). Changes in Teachers’ Beliefs and Confidence across Multiple Rounds of Professional Development [Paper presentation]. NARST 95th Annual International Conference, Vancouver, Canada.

Lowell, B.R., Cherbow, K. & McNeill, K.L. (2021, April, 7-10). Using a discussion types framework to support collective sensemaking [Paper presentation]. NARST 94th Annual International Conference, presented virtually.

Lowell, B.R. & McNeill, K.L. (2020, June 20-23). Using student hat to push on multiple goals in teacher professional learning [Paper presentation]. International Conference of the Learning Sciences, presented asynchronously.

Lowell, B. R., Cherbow, K. & McNeill, K. L. (2019, April). Assessing curriculum for NGSS alignment: Oversimplification of cognitive load and separation of the three dimensions. Paper presented at the annual meeting of NARST. Baltimore, MD.

Lowell, B.R., Reigh, E. & Ribay, K. (2019, April). From inquiry to the science and engineering practices: Implications for professional development. Poster presented at the annual meeting of NARST. Baltimore, MD.